This component utilizes instancing and UV-Remapping to split any input-image into smaller elements. This elements can then be easily transformed without lossing the original texture and scaling.
- The Texture that will be splitted. All elements inside are responsive to the resolution of that input.
- Rotation-Map for the instances. At least 16-Bit, where RGB is mapped to the XYZ-Rotation of the instances.
- Scale-Map for the instances. Best used with a value between 0 - 1. 8 Bit is enough.
- Sliced 8-Bit output.
- Rows/Cols: The ammount of rows and cols the element will be sliced in.
- Split Scale: Scales the instances before the maps get applied.
- Rotation/Scale Phase: The phases for the internal maps as an example. Gets ignored when external maps get applied.
- Rotation/Scale Tyoe: The ramptype of the internal map.