Fetching component Data

Folder Shortcuts

Quick Pathings!

A small collection of usefull folders. Access them directly via their name like

Pass subfolder as an argument to autojoin them
op("folders").Data("foobar") -> C:/programdata/foobar
op("folders").Data("Folder", "Subfolder", "Filename.ext") -> C:/programdata/Folder/Subfolder/Filename.ext

You can also pass the following keywordArguments:
  • createParent = False -> Creates the parent directory of the path if it does not exist.
  • createPath = False -> Creates the path as a directory if it does not exist.

  • Appdata
  • Roaming
  • Data
  • Temp : Creates a temporary folder for every instance of shortcuts.comp and every start of a project.
  • User
  • Project
  • Touchdesigner

Downloads: 439

Created at: 3.1.2023

Uploaded: 3.8.2023
New optional arguments for foldercall to create folders.