
Max/Msp Gate emulator

gateCHOPComp takes a chop input and passes it to only one of n outputs, similar to what an inverse SwitchCHOP would do.


  •  Input 0 - The value to pass 

  •   Input 1 -  The value passed to closed outputs, "off value"  if you want (defaults to 0 if not specified) 

  •  Out - The index of the OutCHOP in which the value will pass (starts counting from 0, nothing happens if the index is out of range) 

  •  Num outs - The number of outputs available, can be set dynamically and will create the necessary OutCHOPs accordingly 

  •   Hold Mode - If on will hold the last received value in the closed outputs, overriding the "off value" specified in Input 1 

  •  Max outs - The maximum number of outputs that can be created. It's just a safe measure since the COMP uses a replicator and 10k replicants could be a problem 

Downloads: 301

Created at: 2.1.2021

Uploaded: 2.1.2021