JSON Config

Develop once, deploy everywhere

This compnent enables external configuration via a JSON-File. 
The definition of the config is done via en extensive Callback. To create the definition you need to return a dictionary containing Definition values. The possible values are passed as arguments to the GetConfigSchema callback.


LoadConfig( configStr: str = "" )
Forces the configComp to reload the contents.
It traverses several possibilitites:
  1. Check the configStr. If the configStr is a valid JsonString, it will be used.
  2. Check the GetConfigData Callback. Return data as a jsonString.
  3. Saved file on Disk.

After the Config is loaded, the data will be sanitized, validated and saved to the configFile!

Callbacks passes a configModule as an argument comtaining the following classes.

class EnumValue(_dependencyCopyCallable):
    """An Enum value where the given values need to satisfy the allowedValue passed on init."""

    def __init__(self, default='', allowedValues=[], validator=lambda value: True, comment='', parser=None):

class ConfigValue(_dependencyCopyCallable):
    """A generic value which allows to be bound to. Use .Value to refference the Value
    and .Dependency to bind to the value."""

    def __init__(self, default='', validator=lambda value: True, comment='', parser=None, typecheck=None):

class CollectionDict(dict, _copyCallable):
    """A dictionary where all given keys need to be satisfied."""

    def __init__(self, items: dict=None, comment=''):

class NamedList(dict, _copyCallable):
    """Represents a Dictionary with an arbitrary number 
    of keys where the values need to satisfy the default_member."""

    def __init__(self, items: dict=None, default_member=None, comment=''):

class CollectionList(list, _copyCallable):
    """Represents a list or array of values which need to fullfill the default_member."""

    def __init__(self, items: list=None, default_member=None, comment=''):

To acces the members use the Data-Attribute. ColectionValues have Value and Dependency members. Use Value for explicit use of the value. 
op("json_config").Data.MyValue.Dependency #T bind to the value
op("json_config").Data.MyValue.Value #For explicit read-access to the value itself.

Use the "Save" method or Pulseparameter to writte bound values in to the config itself.

Under Windows use
setx [variable_name] "[variable_value]"
to permanently set the env-variable, or a simple 
set TD_ENV=variablevalue
before starting in a .bat file.

Downloads: 1668

Created at: 6.2.2022

Uploaded: 1.10.2024
Added ReadOnly parameter which keeps the COMP from overwriting the corrected values. 
There were reports of configs getting overwritten which might have to do with some issues on 12 and 13th gen Intel-Platform.