is a video player
inspired by the media-bin of vdmx
Point to your main video content folder.
In my case 'VJ-CONTENTS',
which contain many other folders full of handmade videoclips.
A tree lister will allow you to select one of theese folders,
and a frame preview of each video contained here
will be displayed.
Clicking on a preview will load that content into
a moviefileinTOP, which is connected to a fitTOP
that go into the out1TOP.
< ? >
Theese three buttons, control the folders or the videos
means: previous, random, next.
You can click them, or drag into them any chop channel,
and every time its value go upper than 1 it will trig
the button and light it up for a bit.
Right-clicking on it you can disable the input source
and go back to manual, which you can still use
at the same time if you want.
Opacity Slider:
you can click or drag a chop channel into
input values are clamped to 0-1
right click to disconnect
the three buttons top left are:
- Fit Parameters (Fit-Fill-Stretch etc)
- MovieFile Parameters (Play-Speed-Cue-Trim etc)
- info (help)
hap codec is preferred for fast reading and playing
hapAlpha is supported and alpha channel is visible
in the preview
It could also be a good hap preview device!
A fitTOP in all my objects, search for the GlobalResolution
object parameters, it have a shortcut name:
op.GlobalRes.par.Resx - op.GlobalRes.par.Resy
I use it on top of every project,
to scale everything to the desired output resolution.
Remember to maintain only one for each project!
Deltaprocess tested and certified
have good vj-ing!